Pachyphragma macrophyllum

Hardy semi-evergreen perennial, glossy dark green leaves, four-petalled white flowers March-April. 20cm. Full or part shade. Any soil, even dry. Will self sow.

Penstemon hidalgensis

Hardy upright perennial with sticky mid-green lance shaped leaves and royal purple tubular flowers July – September. 80cm. Moist well drained soil.

Plectranthus ambiguus ‘Nico’

Tender perennial with dark green leaves and purple reverse. 30cm. Sun, well drained soil. Protect from frost.

Phlox maculata ‘Princess Sturdza’ AGM

Hardy herbaceous perennial, purple flushed green foliage when young and pinky-mauve flowers, Jul-Aug. 1.4m. Sun, moist free draining soil.

Persicaria microcephala ‘Red Dragon’

Hardy herbaceous perennial with claret coloured foliage with a darker central splash, small white flowers. Apr-Jul. 50cm. Sun or part shade. Moist well drained soil.

Patrinia punctiflora

Hardy herbaceous perennial with rosettes of green leaves, red flushed stems and heads of yellowish green flowers, Jun-Nov. 1.4m. Sun, or part shade, and moist well drained soil.

Pseudodictamnus mediterraneus AGM

(Syn. Ballota pseudodictamnus) Hardy evergreen woody shrub. Greyish green rounded leaves on white woolly stems. Small pink flowers early-mid summer. 60cm. Needs good drainage and full sun.

Potentilla nepalensis ‘Ron McBeath’

Small scrambling herbaceous perennial with palmate leaves. Bright pink cupped flowers with red eye. 30cm. Jul-Oct. Well drained fertile soil in full sun.