Biodiversity study day (New for 2025!)

This study day led by Fergus Garrett and ecologist Andy Phillips will examine how the way we garden at Great Dixter is helping to create a local hotspot of biodiversity and will help participants to understand how to garden in a way that promotes species richness and diversity. The day will include an illustrated lecture and an in depth look at the garden and other habitat areas to help bring the subject to life. 

Between 2017 and 2019 Great Dixter undertook an audit to assess the biodiversity throughout our site including the garden, buildings and outbuildings, compost heaps, wood piles, meadows and woodlands. The results revealed that we are custodians to an unusually rich place, which through a mosaic of habitats, and a long flowering garden supports a large diversity of species. 

Refreshments and lunch are included and we are offering a 10% discount on plant sales for attendees in the nursery on the day.

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29 April 2025 10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Great Dixter House and Gardens, TN316PH