
Great Dixter is a magical place for families to visit. The garden has lots of high hedges, wild plants, bright colours, and insects to inspire young imaginations.

You can download our garden map here and check out our health and safety information so that you are aware of things to watch out for when you come.  

If you want to know more about family activities at Great Dixter please contact Catherine at [email protected]

Garden Explorers

Garden Explorers is an adventurous group for toddlers and carers that takes place each Thursday and Friday morning at Great Dixter between 9:30 and 11:30 (10-12 during the school holidays), based on our education centre at Dixter Farm. Sessions are based around seasonal activity in the garden and on the estate, from seed planting and cooking using vegetables we have harvested from the garden to minibeast hunts, having fires in the woods, and making musical instruments. Sessions are run by Education Manager Catherine with special guest appearances from time to time.

Garden Explorers is suitable for walking toddlers (though little legs with less stamina may find the woods trips a bit of a long journey so carers may need to do some carrying). Younger siblings are welcome so long as buggies are robust enough to make it down to the woods and carers are willing to push or carry them. We go out in all weathers and quite often end up messy so suitable clothing is essential!

Booking in advance is essential and can be done from 9 pm the evening before the session. Each session costs £7.50 per child. Siblings are half-price. Accompanying adults and babies are free.

In this section:

Please note that parents or carers are responsible for direct supervision of children. 

To book a place join our mailing list here where ticket info is emailed before the sessions. For more info email [email protected]

All activities are risk assessed. Please ensure that you provide the education officer Catherine Haydock with any specific needs for your child. 

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Sign up to receive our weekly Garden Explorer email updates

Join our mailing list here for updates about school holiday activities at Great Dixter. 

Plan for 11th and 12th January

Hello everyone 

I hope you are enjoying these beautifully sunny crisp days. 

The plan this week is to go on a sensory adventure in the garden and seek out all the lovely smelling winter plants. The wintersweet is out as is the Sarcococca and probably the Witch Hazels are making an appearance so we’ll follow our noses (and wrap up warm!!)

Before we head for the garden we’ll knock up some carrot cake (ingredients: carrots oil, sugar, egg, SR flour, -cream cheese icing sugar, and butter for the topping – please bring subs if you have allergies, etc)

I think we’ll have a go at some potato printing and there will be the usual story and songs and dancing. 

Meet at Dixter Farm at 9:30 am on both Thursday and Friday 

You can book as ever from 9 pm the night before the session. The link to the book is here- 

£7.50 for the first child, siblings half price. 



Information for new Garden Explorers: There are baby changing facilities in the education room and the White Barn, next to the ticket office. There is lots of room for buggies inside the education room but when in the garden, we leave them by the ticket office and stick to the paths at all times.

Please be aware that Great Dixter is responsible for ensuring that all sites and activities are risk assessed and fit for purpose and you are responsible for direct supervision of your children while attending this group.

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