Leave a legacy

Leaving a gift in your Will is the way to ensure that your support for Great Dixter and its work continues.

All you need is:   

Charity name:  The Great Dixter Charitable Trust 

Address: Great Dixter House and Gardens, Northiam, Rye, East Sussex TN31 6PH 

Registered charity number:  1134948 

Types of Gift 

A residuary gift 

This is a gift of all or part of the value of your estate, once all your other commitments have been settled. This is the most flexible way of supporting the GDCT, as the value of your gift will adjust with the value of your estate. For example, 1% of your estate would make a big impact on the future of the Great Dixter Charitable Trust 

A pecuniary gift 

This is a gift of a specific sum of money (e.g. £1,000). You may wish to protect this gift against the effects of inflation by asking your Solicitor to ensure that it is index linked. 

Everyone needs a Will, regardless of age, health or wealth

Charity status 

The Great Dixter Charitable Trust  is a charity and relies on your support. As a charity, all donations bequeathed to the GDCT are exempt from inheritance tax, therefore a gift in your Will to the GDCT may reduce the tax on your estate. 

The registered address of The Great Dixter Charitable Trust is Great Dixter House and Gardens, Northiam, Rye, East Sussex TN31 6PH 

If you would like further information please telephone the Friends Office on 01797 254048 or email [email protected].

To honour or remember

Great Dixter has meant a great deal to many people. For those who wish to honour or remember them, it is proposed that donations are put towards establishing a biodiversity corridor of Great Dixter which runs from the northern-most part of the estate in Weights Wood through the newly acquired field Great Park and the gardens to the tip of Four Acre Shaw.

  • Donations will go into the THOR Fund for hedge-laying, tree planting, flora and fauna surveys, etc in the field Great Park
  • A small split-chestnut fence enclosure sited at the top of the field overlooking the Wealden landscape will have a bench and chair to sit and admire the view.  Information on the biodiversity work and the people who made it possible will be available.
  • The names requested by family and friends will be on the spilt chestnut fencing

To donate via Memory Giving, please click here.

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