Early years

A bespoke visit to the garden and woodland for a day supporting early learning goals.

The day will include a visit to the garden which will transport you to a world of giant hedges, a jungle, giant leaves and flowers, and tiny dragons living in the pond. We will do some cooking and take our creations to the woods where we will make a fire, build dens for the people who live in the woods, explore, work together, share ideas, make things, play games, sing songs, and listen to stories. There will be plenty of opportunities for children to follow their ideas and play in a variety of ways.

During this active day, children (and adults) will be encouraged to solve problems, work together, play and explore new environments, use imagination, share ideas and experiences, and think creatively.

From £6.50 per child.

To book a session please contact [email protected] or phone 01797 334042.

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