Grow Fruit and Veg in Pots

Full title: Grow Fruit & Vegetables in Pots: Planting Advice & Recipes from Great Dixter

240 pages
Phaidon Press

Grow Fruit & Vegetables in Pots provides clear, practical information on growing fruit and vegetables in containers, whether that be a window box or a terracotta pot on a balcony.

Great Dixter’s vegetable gardener, Aaron Bertelsen guides you through what to grow, which pots to use, gives personal tips on varieties to choose and advice on cultivation and care. Featuring more than 50 delicious recipes, Aaron shows that lack of space is no barrier to growing what you want to eat, and proves that harvesting and cooking food you have grown yourself is a total pleasure, with dishes that showcase a few perfectly chosen – and personally grown – ingredients.

Copies are signed by the author.

Great Dixter: Then & Now

80 Pages
Pimpernel Press

Photographs by Christopher Lloyd & Carol Casselden
Words by Fergus Garrett

A carefully chosen selection of Christopher Lloyd’s photographs, the great majority published for the first time. They are juxtaposed with images from the Lloyd family’s earliest days at Dixter, and with photographs taken by Carol Casselden of the garden as it is today. Fergus Garrett provides a running commentary on the changing garden and the different plantings.

Signed by Fergus Garrett

“A fascinating record of how Dixter has been shaped and enriched over the years. Like the garden it celebrates, this is a multi-layered, diverse display of delights.”

Gardens Illustrated

Dear Friend and Gardener: Letters on Life and Gardening

By Christopher Lloyd and Beth Chatto with a new introduction by Fergus Garrett


304 Pages


This volume contains an exchange of letters spanning the gardening year, as two long-established friends and distinguished gardeners, Beth Chatto and Christopher Lloyd share observations, anecdotes and tips from their years of experience.

Signed by Fergus Garrett

A Lifetime of Seasons

The Best of Christopher Lloyd, introduction by Fergus Garrett

360 Pages

A Lifetime of Seasons follows the evolution of Christopher Lloyd’s extraordinary talent – both with words and with plants – over the course of his life. Accompanied by an introduction from Fergus Garrett, Head Gardener at Great Dixter.

Published to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Christo’s birth.

Signed by Fergus Garrett

Pottery People And Time

Hardback book
216 pages
Richard Dennis Publications

This illuminating account of setting up and running a pottery reminds us of the complexities and the disciplines of this art. Pottery is a science too, but science is seldom as readable as this delightful book.

Christopher Lloyd acquired more than 30 of Alan Caiger-Smith’s pots, both for himself and as gifts. A selection are permanently on display at Great Dixter. There is also a display of over 100 pieces including pots from Alan’s reference collection being held at Great Dixter throughout the month of October 2013.


Full title: Meadows at Great Dixter and Beyond
By Christopher Lloyd with a new introduction by Fergus Garrett

240 pages
The Pimpernel Press (7th April 2016)

‘To see a meadow in bloom is a great delight – it’s alive and teeming with life, mysterious, dynamic…’

So Christopher Lloyd began his much-admired instructive and celebratory account of meadows, first published in 2004. Few people knew more about meadow gardening than Lloyd, who spent much of his long life developing the flowering tapestries in his garden at Great Dixter, creating scenes of great beauty and a place of pilgrimage for lovers of wildflowers and wildlife.

In Meadows he imparted that lifetime’s learning, exploring the development and management of meadow areas, explaining how to establish a meadow in a garden setting, describing the hundreds of beautiful grasses, bulbs and perennials and annuals that thrive in different meadow conditions and detailing how to grow them.

Christopher Lloyd’s classic text remains at the heart of this new book, which also includes – as well as much stunning new photography – an extensive introduction by Fergus Garrett.

Contains the Great Dixter bookplate. This new edition is signed by Fergus Garrett.

In My Garden

Full title:
In My Garden
The Garden Diaries of Great Dixter

288 pages
Bloomsbury Publishing

Taken from Christopher Lloyd’s weekly column in Country Life, In My Garden (first published in 1993) is a collection of anecdotes, advice and ruminations covering each month of the year at Great Dixter.

How To Run Your Home

Full Title: How To Run Your Home Without Help

224 pages
Persephone Books
First published in 1949

Persephone Book no.62 is How To Run Your Home Without Help by Kay Smallshaw:

‘Some of the smartest lessons in how we live now are to be found not in government speeches or fashionable film releases, but in the small grey covered books published by Persephone Books,’ wrote Andrew O’Hagan in the Daily Telegraph. ‘The volumes are usually lost classics of female writing; they promote the notion that understanding the past is a reasonable way to go about identifying the present and I have been looking at their newest release as a way of getting a handle on the idea of British domestic bliss.’

The book he was looking at was How To Run Your Home Without Help (1949) which, as its title implies, is a book about housework, republished because it is useful, it is a fascinating historical document, and, sixty years on, it is a funny and at times extraordinary bulletin from a vanished world. This book tells the newly servantless housewife what to do and is perfect for the newly-wed in need of some guidance or the son or daughter who has just left home.

Hortus Spring 2006

The most beautifully put together horticultural periodical that money can buy. Keep it in an overcoat pocket and dip into it now and again or tear open the packaging and read it from beginning to end.

Back issue. Includes: Christopher Lloyd remembered by Beth Chatto, Tom Cooper, Graham Gough, Erica Hunningher, Andrew Lawson, Pip Morrison, Tim Richardson, Liz Robinson, Tony Schilling, and Wayne Winterrowd.

Greenwood Crafts

Full title: Greenwood Crafts – A Comprehensive Guide

240 pages
24.6 x 18.9 cm

Britain has a long and rich tradition of woodcrafts and what, since about the 1970s, have been called the ‘greenwood crafts’. Greenwood crafts use wood that contains sap and is easy to work with simple hand tools to produce beautiful and useful products.

This book: discusses all you need to know to get started, including tools, workshops, sourcing wood, making some of your own devices and the characteristics of the various woods; covers a wide variety of turned and carved items for the house and garden; examines a wide range of greenwood chairs, describes how they are made and highlights the talent and creativity of a number of expert craftspeople in the field; examines a number of basket-making techniques involving a range of raw materials; considers a range of items for garden and agricultural use such as rustic furniture, wood store, shakes, shelters, fences and basic timber framing; explores the future of greenwood working, takes a look at some of the new ideas emerging from the sector and includes handy hints on running a greenwood business.